As you can see, protecting your car with a car alarm or immobiliser will not protect against 79% of these thefts as the cars were stolen with the keys.
The most common method of car theft now is 2 people arriving at your house on a motorbike. They knock on your door and demand the keys. There's not much you can do as the thief is wearing a motorbike helmet. Once the thief has your keys either by peaceful or by violent means, they make off in your car with the other thief following on the (stolen) motorbike. They'll often load your car with your cash jewellery and even your plasma telly if there is room.
All is not lost however, with a modern tracking system from Smartrack you can get your car back in minutes. Just call the police and report your car stolen. The police will give you a crime number. Then call Smartrack and report the theft quoting the crime number. Smartrack can then pinpoint your car on a map using the tracking system's GPS and GSM technology they can speak directly to the police control centre guiding them to your car. If your car is moved without the keys then Smartrack will be pro-actively on the case calling you on your mobile to alert you of any unauthorised movement of your car or battery disconnection which might disable your car alarm system. They'll even send you a text to warn you if your battery is going flat, how's that for service.
For information on how to protect your car caravan motorbike or motorhome then please visit our website
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